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Model Activity Task 2021 Class-5 English Part-6 মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক 2021 ক্লাস 5 বাংলা পার্ট- 6

Model Activity Task 2021 Class-5 English Part-6  মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক 2021 ক্লাস 5 বাংলা পার্ট- 6
Model Activity Task 2021 Class-5 English Part-6  মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক 2021 ক্লাস 5 বাংলা পার্ট- 6

Activity 1

Fillin the blanks by choosing appropriate Prepositions from the list given below:

a) He is going_____Kolkata.

b) The bird flew_____my head.

c)Fishes live____water.

d) Put the pen_____the table.

[List: over, on, in, to]

Ans:- a)to b)over c)in d)on

Activity 2

Fill in the table with appropriate Short Forms of the following words:

Full Form

Short Form





Did not


You have


Activity 3

Write the Opposites of the following words:

a) light: dark

b) easy: hard

c) never: ever

d) curly: straight

Activity 4

Make sentences with the following words

a) clever: Arpita is a very clever girl.

b) shelter: Arpita was looking for  shelter in the rain.

c) rock: There is a big rock infront of the cave.

d) jumped: The dog jumped over the High wall.

Click here√Model Activity Task class 5 Bengali (Part 6)

Click here√Model Activity Task class 5 Environment Science (Part 6)

Click here√Model Activity Task class 5 Health and Physical education (Part 6)

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